You have an idea of change you need to make it happen. It could be a campaign, project, rebrand/pivot. It’s a big enough project with enough at stake that you have to get it right, and tie it to outcomes. You have the knowledge and the talent in-house but the team is stretched thin and you need outside perspective and guidance.
In a world where many organizations are vying for the attention and contributions of a finite pool of philanthropic groups, many are often feeling overlooked despite the impact they make. The potential is there – how to get there, from overlooked to sustainable is the challenge.

Woven throughout our existence is a dotted line, represented in the model above. It might be a pandemic, protests, economic recession, or all of the above. Turbulence is always there.
Sustainable organizations rise above these challenges. The further away from the dotted line, the bumps are smaller, the way is smoother. They do it through effective storytelling that generates awareness, creates trust, influences action and develops dedication and sustainable funding.
A strong campaign takes an aligned team and makes you relevant, engaging and sustainable with a powerful name and story. An evidence-based creative process engages the team and gets their buy-in. Working with your talent and the input from your audiences, the project will be relevant and engaging.
More importantly, stories create pride from within and establish emotional connection. Studies show storytelling works. In this study by Network for Good, 56 percent of the nonprofits reported an improvement in giving after implementing storytelling. By the way, 44 of the organization who did not report an improvement either said it was too soon, or they didn’t know because they have a hard time measuring the impact. (Source)
The greatest pitfall in storytelling is not doing it strategically; in a way that is designed to accomplish outcomes.
Creative Campaign is a four-session facilitation process designed to elevate your organization’s standing in its community and achieve sustainable funding. At the end of two months, together we will come up with the project name, tagline and story messaging.
What’s in the Program: Creative Campaign
- Discover: Pre-work surveys and interviews, stakeholder meeting
- Dream: Expansive brainstorming session
- Distill: Reductive practical session.
What participants will get out of the program:
- A creative process to work within the existing framework of you organization and use your knowledge and the creativity you didn’t realize you had.
- A repeatable process to use in the future.
- A collaborative document with campaign messaging and ideas for implementation. (need help with the implementation part? Let’s talk!)
Who should attend
* For non-profits with a staff of at least four people who have the capacity and the passion to invest time in authentic storytelling.
* Purpose-driven for-profit organizations who know you have an impact to make but aren’t doing a great job articulating.
What others say about it:
Lisa is a very talented storyteller who has helped us elevate the positioning of our organization within the community. She has a knack for taking complicated dynamics and making them easy to understand. She understands what we are trying to achieve and has helped provide a steady drip of individual stories that speak to our higher mission.
Marcia Wilson, executive director Panhandle Alliance for Education