Anastasia Allison was an unusual kid. She was into things you and I probably were not such as volunteering at a national park as an interpretive guide wearing period costumes performing hymns and folk songs with her violin. Sounds like a super cool kid to me in many ways but sadly, Allison suffered a great deal of bullying as a child. It might be for that reason she spent a lot of her life trying to conform to this “what should we be and do with our lives.” She finally realized after a near-death experience, that she can actually do whatever she wants to and today, she owns a gear company that sells pee cloths – it’s called Kula Cloth – check it out a t kulacloth.com , she climbs mountains with her violin and performs music in the wilderness with the Musical Mountaineeers and she basically has defined what success means to her and is living it, a major prerequisite for being on this podcast.
We talk about:
- A childhood of bullying – and turning it into a positive experience
- Overcoming limiting beliefs
- The role the woods plays in all this.
So with that, let’s listen in and gear up for what’s next.
Where to find Anastasia and other links:
- kulacloth.com
- @kulacloth on Instagram
- @themusicalmountaineers
- Musical Mountaineers on Youtube
- Her personal website
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