What are your travel plans? Maybe not much or something pretty local? Maybe something in the backcountry, our best bet as we hopefully wind down on this COVID era. I miss going to Canada, big time. I miss international travel. I will say though that I have found one silver lining in this time. I have discovered many spots within a five-hour drive, of where I live. I am guessing that might be the same for you.
In that vein, I wanted to replay an episode from years ago you might have missed (or could use a refresher on what to carry in your backpack.
Jeff Thompson, who is a ski patroller and also executive director at Idaho Panhandle Avalanche Center, shares with us what he takes on a summer backcountry trip. I’m guessing most of you will be camping and traveling nearby, and the summer backpack, particularly for the overnight backpack, I should say. It’s always nice to hear what other people carry just in case, including the Oh shit jacket which I adopted after having this conversation with him, so I will leave it at that and learn about what Jeff Thompson carries when he goes camping in the wilderness.
With that, let’s listen in and gear up for what’s next.
Where to find Jeff and other links:
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