Today on our 100th episode, I’m doing something a little bit different. I normally don’t bring my work projects into the podcast, but the day that this podcast publishes, January 25 2021 is an exciting day. We are launching the new name and brand for Panhandle Animal Shelter here in Sandpoint Idaho and so I have Executive Director, Mandy Evans, joining me. We’re actually interviewing each other because this episode will also run on her podcast, which you should check out. It’s called People are Animals too, Darn it.
We covered a variety of things, mostly surrounding the chain of events that led to the need to rename and rebrand Panhandle Animal Shelter. Mainly, how things are changing in the world of animal welfare and I think you’ll find that very interesting if you didn’t know it already. We’ll also talk about the creative process that went into the rebrand. Really, it’s a project that I am most proud of and excited to finally get it out in public, after we’ve been working together, about a year and a half on this. Panhandle Animal Shelter is now called Better Together Animal Alliance.
We talk not only about that whole process around it, but how Mandy and her team have managed criticisms and pushback to change along the way. We also had some interesting sidebar conversations about how assumptions that we make, how they either can or won’t challenge our thinking which make us blaze new trails and think things in a different way than we had before. Which I think is a really good higher lesson to all of this.
So, with that, let’s listen in to my conversation with Mandy Evans, Executive Director of Better Together Animal Alliance.
Where to find Mandy and other links:
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