I’ve noticed the biggest reluctance to getting into social networking is related to time management and productivity issues.
I say, don’t be afraid.
It’s the most efficient way to network and a godsend for those of us in small town who want to broaden their reach.
Five reasons social media is time-efficient:
1. You don’t have to look good, you just have to be thought-provoking and informative. The cocktail party analogy in my previous post, is very apt. Now you can attend the party in your long johns or you know, those nights when you don’t feel like going to “that thing”.
2. Maximum contact in minimal time. Face it, in real life we all say we will keep in touch, but we know what that means. When else have you been able to stay in touch with so many people in so little time. In a 10– or 15-minute session. you can update your organization’s news or events, and spend a few minutes commenting on your followers’ news and answering questions (be it about you or about others).
And therefore,
3. Social media helps you to form deeper relationships, even without direct interaction. You know more about what is happening in others lives than ever before. You’re getting data on your customers, WOW! You’re congratulating them on the birth of a baby, their recent graduation. You know if they are dissatisfied with your brand. You know if a potential client is out there looking for your goods and services.
4. Small Talk is Dead. I grew up in New York, and I like to get right to the point. I LOVE that social media has changed the social etiquette. You have to be a lot more thoughtful, and concise in 140 characters or a facebook update. It doesn’t mean you care less, it’s just being more efficient.
Don’t get me wrong, nothing will ever replace the face-to-face networking, but you can only be in place at one time:
5. Social media is worldwide, 24/7. There is no geographic limitation. And when you are an organization that is trying to reach outside your small community, that is critical.
The major time investment is on the front end: Schedule a day or a weekend to set up your pages, and to spend time developing your following. (to be discussed in a future post), and learn the ins and outs of each site. Once you get going, it can take as little or as much time as you want. And it’s up to you to keep that time productive.
I was going to blog about tips to manage your time, but why re-create that wheel when my very smart friend Gini Dietrich brought it down to a science for you here.
Do you agree? Do you find spending a chunk of time daily on your social media outlets save you time over the long run? Or no?
Gini Dietrich says
Well you know I agree with this! I love to tell people social media allows you to network without having to brush your teeth. A client takes it even further. He says, “I used to have a face for radio. Now I have a face for social media.”
The reason I wrote the blog post you refer to in your last paragraph (thank you!) is because I get that question all the time. But what people fail to realize is social media is more than just an hour a day of posting, responding, and networking. We break it into four areas: Building a community, lead generation, lead cultivation, and lead conversion.
So, while you may spend only an hour every day on the social networks, (if you do it correctly) you’ll be spending most of your days driving business via the relationships you build through social media.
Lisagerber says
great points, Gini, thank you. and I have to laugh. I almost used that quote about a face for social media but I couldn’t remember where I saw it!!
Clinton Madrueno says
Hey great site and I enjoyed it!
Circuit Breaker says
-;, I am really thankful to this topic because it really gives up to date information `*.