I often wonder how the professional athletes make the foul shot when the stadium is thumping. Or how they drive the golf ball on the cutthroat round of the Masters Tournament. Because my version of that foul shot is hopping into a new business client meeting, or the moments before a webinar starts, or I take the stage to give a speech. We all have our “foul shot” moments that could take us down if we let them.
Today’s episode is going to help you summon the mental strength to not only keep your sh$t together, but use it to your advantage and perform better.
Cara Bradley, author of On The Verge: Wake Up, Show Up, and Shine, is going to give us some amazingly practical tips for calming our sorry selves down so we can not only do well, but kick ass.
Cara, a former professional skater, is a mental strength coach in bodymind training. She is the founder of the BodyMind Center in suburban Philadelphia, co-founder of the non-profit Mindfulness Through Movement, hosts practices and strategies on her On The Verge podcast series and free app and is a frequent contributor to The Huffington Post, MindBodyGreen, and Mindful Magazine. She also leads unique bodymind programs for CEO’s, corporations, conferences, universities, and sports teams.
It’s not as hard as it sounds – our thoughts really do become our reality so it’s up to us to not let that impostor syndrome take over and win. We’re going to learn how to train our mind much like we train our bodies, and even the big time professional athletes are doing this stuff. So let’s take some lessons from them and do better than just OK.
Links, Resources, Further Reading:
- George Mumford – The Mindful Athlete
- Richie Davidson
- Muse App
Where to find Cara Bradley:
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Loved this one!
I am SO happy that you listen and enjoy. thanks! and let me know if you ever have any ideas for an episode – you know, like you’re riding along and you’re wondering about something! and say – hey, Lisa should do a gear show on this! 🙂
Loved this one!
I am SO happy that you listen and enjoy. thanks! and let me know if you ever have any ideas for an episode – you know, like you’re riding along and you’re wondering about something! and say – hey, Lisa should do a gear show on this! 🙂