My friend Karol, a nutritionist, often threatens to write a book on “How to Lose Weight.” She said it will be one page. “Eat less and exercise more.” On that note, I could write a one-page book on SEO. “Write awesome content.” Over-simplification? On both counts, yes. But a very good start. You still need […]
How To Safeguard Your Social Media Accounts
I was asked, over the weekend, how to safeguard your social media accounts from the possibility of disgruntled employees hijacking them. My advice: Don’t disgruntle your employees. OK, just kidding. It could happen; you never know. You might have to let someone go, or you weren’t even aware, but someone leaves, and they take access […]
The Elixir That is Laughter
I’ve been relatively quiet on the blog this past week paying my respects to the insanity happening in our world. There seems to be no better topic for breaking the silence than the elixir that is laughter. Stop now and think back to the last time you had a really good laugh. What comes to […]
Don’t Let Your Automated Tools Turn You Into The Tool
and The Beauty of Please and Thank You. I wasn’t going to respond to the RFP (request for proposal). I usually don’t. They take a toll in terms of time and resources, the odds of wining are typically really slim, and sometimes the process is just a formality. They know who they want, but are required […]
Can Marketing Break the Grammar Rules?
I won second prize in a really difficult grammar contest against a room full of PR agency owners and CEOs. I like to talk about that as frequently as possible. I almost didn’t get married because in our very first argument in the first month we were dating, I interrupted Patrick to tell him “also too” is […]
Why Simple Really is Better in your Messaging
Today, I’d like to share a story about treating your newbie market with care and why it’s important to dumb your message down for the masses. I’m working on getting wine labels printed for a client. (And when I say “client” I actually mean my amazing husband who is a winemaker and has a startup […]
Media Relations vs. Influencer Relations
There really isn’t a difference between media and influencer relations. And I’ll explain. But I’d like to digress first and talk about the future of journalism. Italics mine because I have to laugh at the idea of forecasting the future. Have you seen this special project in the New York Times, Snow Fall: The Avalanche […]
Content Marketing is Just Good Marketing
Any fans of “Miracle on 34th Street” out there? Kris Kringle had all these great ideas. Do you remember? He introduced the idea of creating a massive notebook containing products and services available throughout New York City. If a customer came in looking for something Macy’s didn’t carry, the sales associates would be able to direct […]
Track Your Content Results to Offline Activities
This is a modified version of a post I wrote for Spin Sucks earlier this year. Are you tracking the effectiveness of your online content with offline results? Let me step back and explain why I’m asking this question. My Bernese Mountain Dog Jackson is really big. He has hip and elbow dysplasia, poor baby […]
PR vs Integrated Communications
I guess what I was trying to say when I wrote about the Role of Messaging last week, is that public relations is so much more than the Art of Writing Press Releases. In fact, I frequently steer clients away from news releases (they aren’t called press releases anymore, just like books on tape are […]