I get asked hard questions a lot, and the answers are always simple, but doing the work for the desired outcome is not.
When is sharing oversharing?
It starts with a beautiful wild place to visit. Then, everyone journeys there. The place gets disrespected, trampled, and trashed.
Small Adjustments
Last week I presented to a group of Solo PR professionals on the power of personal storytelling.
Don’t Be Afraid to Tell Your Story
Last week, I met with a client to talk about her gala speech. This was a big night for her because she was stepping into a new role as executive director.
Leveraging Stories
“Leverage is a term used most often metaphorically. Its origin is in physics, where a lever literally ‘amplifies an input force to provide a greater output force.’
The Middle of the Story
I received the BEST ever speaking invitation a few weeks ago: To speak at my nephew’s sixth-grade class about my experience on Mt. Rainier.
The BS Radar: A How-to Guide
If you get hung up on what to say/write, you think you don’t know how to tell a good story, I see you, and today is for you.
What is Emotional Connection, Anyway?
A friend put her home on the market in Eastern Washington and received an offer that was $100,000 below the asking price.
Banana Bread: A recipe for creativity and innovation
New neighbors moved in down the road from us and the first thing they did in their new home was to nail a bright orange No Trespassing sign on a tree out front
It’s Not The Stories
I give a lot of credit to storytelling. I credit storytelling with changing the world. But. It’s not the stories. It’s the actions and the work you are doing.
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