Good storytelling starts with good storylistening. The better the material (the research, the interviews), the better your story will be.
Breaking Up Should Be Easy To Do
Several years ago, I wrote a piece about the importance of breaking up with friends when that friendship has run its course, or has perhaps detracted from your happiness rather than contributed to it in some way. That article ended up being featured on the home page of Medium as one of the most popular articles on the site.
“Most of us have two lives. the life we live, and the unloved life within us. Between the two stands Resistance.”
Setting up Systems for Progress
It’s Time to Go On Vacation and owe George an essay so this is what you get, systems that set you up for success.
I’ve had so many conversations around this model lately. Asking people where they fall on it and what they need to do to get to the upper righthand quadrant.
Leaning Into the Hard Stuff
I’ve written about momentum and focus in the past month, both using mountain biking as a metaphor. Sometimes when you’re riding, you come upon a technical section that looks scary.
The Equation of Productivity
My day can end one of two ways – with a sense of satisfaction or a sense of restlessness. What determines one or the other is not how much I got done, but what I got done.
Back to the Singletrack: the key to focus
You know when you are trying to get somewhere and your cell service is spotty and you wish you had entered the directions before you left the house?
Discover Alignment With A Magical Vision
An organization that is not aligned, does not get things done. Is your vision compelling enough to align the team?
I’ve had the pleasure and honor to work with a number of non-profit organizations of late and have observed the importance of one key thing to be able to get things done:
Momentum is your Friend
In mountain biking, it’s common knowledge momentum is your friend. If you come upon some rocks or tree roots in the trail and slow down out of concern or fear, you will more than likely go over your front tire, also known as an endo.
The Stories We are Told
The stories we are told influences our belief system. This email would normally come to you on Sunday morning. I know you didn’t notice it didn’t come. It’s OK, I don’t expect you to pay that close attention (and I mean that in the most un-passive aggressive kind of way) Sunday morning is my own internal metric and I am not happy with myself if I don’t make it.
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